"Ionix Supreme has changed my life. I have a better memory, more energy, and sleep through the night. My husband and I both have so much energy and we exercise every day to help us use it up."
- Sandra B., Florida
"Ionix Supreme is a product that I will not be without. I travel and take it with me everywhere."
- Paul T., Nevada
"Ionix Supreme is what convinced me to get onto the 30-Day System. I drank two bottles over four weeks and couldn’t believe the energy levels I experienced. I felt alive again!"
- Richard O., Texas
"Ionix Supreme is one of my all time favorite products! Why? It gives me incredible energy...not a coffee like energy but a clean burning energy. I call it my JET FUEL! Also when I am over tired I take an ounce or so of Ionix® Supreme liquid and I can feel my whole body relax and get ready for a great night’s sleep. We all know we can't rejuvenate well without a solid 8 hours sleep. Ionix® Supreme helps me sleep like a baby. Which is something I struggled with for 30 yrs. I LOVE the Ionix® Supreme. What a gift!"
- She-She K., Arizona
"I have found that if I take an ounce of Ionix Supreme before my morning cardio workout, I experience much more energy that seems to allow me to run for not only a longer duration, but a higher intensity....AMAZING stuff!!"
- Kathleen P., British Columbia
"As an Ironman Triathlete, I have to recover each day so I can train the next day as well. I made a decision to train harder and with more volume. Two to three times per day I consume my "Ironman Drink Special" (one scoop Ionix® Supreme, one scoop IsaFruits® and one to two sticks of Want More Energy®) . I also use it at night before I retire to help me sleep better. I love this stuff!"
- Michael L., Nevada
"I think this is a fabulous product to add to the IsaLean Shakes!"
- Jen F., California
“I call Ionix Supreme “The Elixir of Life.” I feel so great after I’ve had my glass of Ionix first thing in the morning It has replaced my three cups of coffee.”
– Judy G . – Washington
“Ionix Supreme has improved the quality of my life and my mental clarity.* I’m more relaxed and able to handle uncomfortable situations better. Thank you IsaGenix, I feel awesome! ”
– Devon A. -Utah
“Ionix Supreme elevates my mood, attitude and ability to stay focused. * Wow - was I surprised that I no longer need my morning coffee!”
Vaughnmarie G. - California
“Ionix® Supreme gives me energy, vitality and restful sleep.”
- Suzanne C. - Texas
IsaGenix Ionix Supreme Adaptogen Super Tonic - Click Here!
IsaGenix Ionix Supreme Adaptogen Super Tonic FAQ- Click Here!
More info on IsaGenix Ionix Supreme SuperJuice for the 21st Century - Click Here!
More Info on IsaGenix Ionix Supreme Adaptogen Rich Super Juice - Click Here!